
Our apps are powering thousands of client experiences in the largest teamerages, teams, and independents in the industry.

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^^Click to watch how Tristan is keeping his clients off of the portals

“Who wants to send their clients to Redfin or Zillow? Dude, nobody”

Now clients are sending us properties directly from the app, because we're communicating the app. And I didn't have that before.

The very first thing I thought of was like, wait a second, this is like Redfin, because I was getting links from Redfin from my clients.

Now I'm not getting them, I'm just getting Messages on my phone-and that to me is so much better because who wants to send their clients to Redfin or Zillow? Dude, nobody.

Tristan Ahumada
CEO Tristan and Associates, Founder Lab
Lab Coat Agents, CMO Success Magazine eXp
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^^Click to see how Dave is driving higher ROI on his marketing spend

“High adoption rates have led to an immediate increase in ROI on our marketing spend”

We found that through the life of a client's journey buying and selling, we were losing people because they weren't staying engaged with our agents. The app allows us to do that.

Clients love the fact that they can discuss properties directly with us right there. We're not losing them between five different email chains, two different text messages, and then eventually they're on Zillow reaching out to somebody that isn't even us.

It also makes my agents more productive by simply taking the work out of their hands. The things that they're not able to do, or they simply don't have the time to do, the app does it for them, which is great peace of mind for myself as a business owner.

Our adoption rates are huge, usually between 5 to 10 clients a day. We closed our first deal using the app in the first week and we've seen an immediate increase in ROI on our marketing budget as a whole.

Dave Monheit
Broker Owner, Encore Realty
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^^Click to watch how Justin’s team achieved 300% ROI

“Our ROI is over 300%”

We wanted our own branded app to keep clients off Zillow — and give them a lot more value. So we found Ruuster. It's basically our local version of Zillow, but better. It keeps all your potential leads and clients in your own app.

That way, they're not using somebody else — they're using you. And it’s essentially free: the vendors in our referral section have offset the cost of the app entirely. Our ROI right now is over 300%.

Justin Milette
Team Owner, Aspire Realty Group

“An awesome service provided by awesome people

I love Ruuster and the app they have created for my real estate brokerage. It is a completely branded source I can provide to my clients with all the potential info they may need to help them throughout the home buying process.

Clients can easily communicate with me through the app as well as directly send me properties they are interested in. I can view their input info and search history at any time!

The best part of Ruuster is their team, and how readily available they are to help solve any issues you may be having, whether on your end or the client’s! They are extremely helpful and very open to any feedback you may have. Overall an awesome service provided by awesome people and an even better app that brings our brokerage and client interaction to the next level!

Bruce Carpenter
Broker Owner, Homedation Realty

“Allows me to work with a buyer from beginning to end.

I wanted to improve client retention — I needed a better platform so I could keep clients off Zillow. Ruuster allows me to work with a buyer from beginning to end.

I love that it's set up with my company's branding, and that my client can save searches and get notifications when new listings pop up.

The best part: it’s made my life easier. It's super simple to use and my clients have great feedback about it.

Paul Linn
Managing Broker, Best Life Realty Group